VOLinACT project

Μια διαδρομή 2 χρόνων, 2020-2022, ..............
Ακολουθείστε μας στη σελίδα https://volinact.com/ 

Newsletter 5

Newsletter 4

Διαβάστε το 4ο Newsletter να μάθετε την εξέλιξη του προγράμματος και επισκεφθείτε τη σελίδα μας για περισότερα https://volinact.com/en/

Dissemination of the OER platform to local community in Chaidari 

During the musician event, we gave information to the participants for the e-training of volunteers for Fire protection. About 100 people attended the event.

Details here  and here

Transnational Project Meeting in Muğla, Turkey on 11-12 April 2022

The partners worked two days together on April 11th and 12th. During this meeting partners deeply focused on the project management related issues including communication and dissemination. The partners presented their work regarding the dissemination of the project within their organisations. This includes informing staff and volunteers about the progress made, and also the discussion of the project outputs.
Besides, the partners planned the Pilot Training Sections together. Accordingly, under the coordination of Training 2000, partners will reach 10 volunteers in their countries and will complete the questionnaire after the pilot test. Each partner will produce a national report on the basis of a template provided by Training 2000. Additionally, the agenda included not only workshops but also cultural activities. So, everyone had the opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange ideas and suggestions. In addition, there was a planning of the future stages and next meetings of VolinAct.

The Partners had a Field Visit in Muğla, Turkey

After the project's theoretical discussions, the VolinAct team had a field visit to the Marmaris İçmeler where the wildfires had spread along the coast during the summer of 2021, destroying the regional natural and touristic landmarks. During the visit, the partners observed that after the fire a lot of work has been done to erase the traces of such tragic event. The forest fire begun on July 29 in Muğla's Marmaris district, lasted for 9 days and was effective on an area of approximately 11 thousand hectares. Immediately after the cooling works in the burned areas were completed, the central and local principals started a cleaning work for the reforestation of the burned areas.

Newsletter 2- Ιανουάριος 2022

Σε αυτό το σύνδεσμο μπορείτε να διαβάσετε το 2ο Newsletter του VOLinACT project στα 

Αγγλικά https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dakjVySHzHphTyDjgYOjUtW93RMowksM/view?usp=sharing

και στα Ελληνικά  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FPe0fG7AG9BPHMNxJL4lQCazVh_j-Yrl/view?usp=sharing

Open educational resources

VOLinACT Erasmus+ project
Το εκπαιδευτικό μας υλικό είναι έτοιμο στην Αγγλική γλώσσα. Γίνεται μεγάλη προσπάθεια  από τους συνεργάτες να είναι οι ενότητες διαθέσιμες και στις εθνικές γλώσσες.
Επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα μας!!!!!!!!

Kickoff meeting Athens 17-20 September 2021

The first meeting was held in Athens. It was a very productive meeting. The partners met closely and spent four days together from September 17th to September 20th.

The agenda included not only workshops but also many cultural activities. So, everyone had the opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange ideas and suggestions. In addition, there was a planning of the future stages of the programme.

Ιndicatively we mention that there was a presentation by a specialist, a volunteer firefighter, on the issue of the recent fires in Attica (Varibobi).

There was a productive discussion about Modules as well as about the results achieved by IO1 and the progress of IO2. There was also planning and implementation of all IO3, IO4 and IO5 products.

We hope that the next international meetings will continue normally.

Kick-off meeting- VOLinACT in Athens

17/9/21 Welcoming by Sofia Psarrou Dimitriou. Presentation and discussion of the agenda with partners.

18/9.21  Diomideios Votanical Garden Chaidari

Discussion on all the tasks done so far in September.

Contracts, Website, Dissemination, Evaluation, Monitoring of the project 

Results achieved from IO1
From IO1 to IO2
Discussion all the IOs from September till the next meeting from the GANTT chart

- Progress of IO2
-Translation in National language
-- Creation of OER platform.
-Uploading in platform OER .Each partner has to appoint a manager for it.


-Training and Testing Methodolog

- Pre-pilot test of OER platform

- Pilot test of OER platform

-Strategy game for Android

- LTTA training

- Multiplier event

- At least 2 activities per partner as e.g. a workshop with volunteers in cooperation with Associated partners and local authorities

Archaeological places and Fire protection- Visit to Acropolis

Esplanade tour: following an inshore way, participants will have the opportunity to explore the picturesque West - Southwest seaside of Attica.
They could also see and discuss about some disasters (mainly forest fires ones).
Lavrion: We will visit the fire brigade of the area and we will discuss with a professional about fire risks (especially during the summer period) and citizens' behavior before and during a forest fire.

1st Newsletter of VOLinACT

Εθελοντής δασοπυρεσβέστης σε πυροπροστασία

Ο Οικολογικός Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος Χαϊδαρίου σε συνεργασία με το Διομήδειο Βοτανικό Κήπο σας καλούμε να συμμετάσχετε στο 2ο μέρος ενημέρωσης για την πυροπροστασία- πυροφύλαξη στις 16/6/21.

Εδώ το βίντεο από την 1η συνάντηση

Η πρόσκληση είναι ανοικτή για ενήλικες άνω των 18 ετών και χωρίς κόστος για τους συμμετέχοντες. Θα δοθούν βεβαιώσεις παρακολούθησης.


Συντονιστής ο Γεώργιος Νικολακάκης:

Ηλεκτρολόγος Μηχανικός με μεταπτυχιακό στις Επικοινωνίες και Ηλεκτρονικά. Τα τελευταία 15 χρόνια υπήρξε εκπαιδευτής, υπεύθυνος της ομάδας δασοπυρόσβεσης και μέλος του διοικητικού συμβουλίου του ΕΔΑΣΑ του Συλλόγου Εθελοντών Δασοπυροπροστασίας Αττικής. Είναι εκπαιδευτής BLS (Basic Life Support) και εκπαιδευτής στον οργανισμό KIDS SAVE LIVES". Είναι Εθελοντής στο Πυροσβεστικό Σώμα. Όποιος επισκεφτεί τον Βοτανικό Κήπο και θελήσει να πάει μια βόλτα στο βουνό, θα έχει δίπλα του τον Γιώργο Νικολακάκη


16 Ιουνίου 2021, 7.30 μ.μ.- 11.00 μ.μ.

19:30-20:15 Πεζοπορία στο Ανατολικό Πυροφυλάκιο του Διομήδειου Κηπου

20:15-22:15 Δοκιμαστική πυροφύλαξη. Ασκήσεις αναγγελίας φωτιάς, τοπογραφία, επικοινωνία με ασύρματο

22:15 - 23:00 Πεζοπορία - Επιστροφή στην κεντρική είσοδο του Διομήδειου Κήπου


Σας παρακαλώ να επιβεβαιώσετε τη συμμετοχή σας στο oikopolis2007@gmail.com ή στο κινητό 6909283795.

1st Newsletter

Tι είναι το VOLinACT

4th and 5th virtual meeting

4th meeting: 9 April 2021

5th  meeting: 26 May 2021

We discussed IO1 and IO2.

We finalized the competency map of volunteers and define the Modules in fruitful meetings.

2nd and 3rd virtual meetings

2ndVOLinACT virtual meeting, 16-12-2020

Due to The COVID-19 pandemic, the 2nd meeting of VOLinACT project took place online. The project outputs and related activities were presented and agreed upon by all the partners, the project coordinator provided a description and brief analysis of the work plan.

The partners substantively discussed the finalization of the first intellectual output IO1, more specifically, the preparation of a questionnaire for the purposes of Raising Awareness for Training Volunteers. The target groups (volunteers trainers and Experts in forest firefighting), the content of such a questionnaire were defined.

With the purpose of most efficient result, to enrich the project with quality content, the partners decided to present two good practices each in the field of Fire Fighting.

3nd Virtual meeting 20-01-2021

The 3rd VOLinACT project meeting took place virtually. It was held on 20.01.2021.

There was a very fruitful discussion, the result of which was a finalization of the questionnaire that will assist the participants in mapping skills and competencies across the Volunteers' Fire Protection Organizations in the participating countries.

With the help of the questionnaire, skills and competences needed for fire fighters volunteers will be identified, gaps in volunteers' knowledge recognized, best practices of the partners taken into consideration.

The partners also set the guidelines for work on the dissemination of the information related to the VOLinACT project.

1st Virtual meeting

Εδώ είναι το σχέδιο εργασίας του προγράμματος:

The map of the project VOLinACT

"VOLunteers in ACTion : Raising Awareness For Volunteer Fire Fighters (VOLinACT)" 

Η εισαγωγική παράγραφος δίνει στους αναγνώστες σας την κεντρική ιδέα και το τι θα πρέπει να περιμένουν. Μπορεί επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως σύντομα προεπισκόπηση στη λίστα δημοσιεύσεων. Η διαφορετική μορφοποίηση θα τη βοηθήσει να ξεχωρίσει από το υπόλοιπο κείμενο. Διαβάστε παρακάτω ώστε να δείτε πώς μπορείτε να μορφοποιήσετε τις δημοσιεύσεις σας.